Thursday, 7 December 2023

Last days of NPDL

 This week has been the last week of  NPDL. We have been finishing our project and putting all together. This is the last few days of the project and we are getting ready to present to the community.  We have been painting and assembling all of the information onto the science board we are putting our project on. 

We are interested to see how the presenting goes and how people will react/ if they will we interested in our project. 


 Yesterday we presented our final project for NPDL. We had to set them all up in the hall than the community/ parents came to look. Overall people were looking at our project and I think finding it informative.  

Our group is happy with how our project turned out and how we completed it. I think this project gave me a insight to a different side of learning and made us change the way we think. Below is a image of our final project.